10 latest goTests taken by Korse

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Korse tell about her.

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Title Result  
WHICH ACNH NPC ARE YOU You are a sweetie and we all know it! You are Isabelle <3 › Take goTest
Which Dutch partysnack are you? You are fuet. If there's any dry humour present on the birthday, it's most likely to be you. With a bit of mustard you can be very spicy aswell! › Take goTest
Are you a part of the Mean Girls Club? Pink pink and more pink! Yes Girl! You are officially a member of the Mean Girls Club. Welcome girlie <3 http://gosupermodel.com/community/club.jsp?clubid=27 › Take goTest
What animal are you? Hamster › Take goTest
Greys Anatomy fan??? I Love u › Take goTest
What kind of food are you? You are Mac and Cheese. You prefer not to share your food with other people and really love spending your days by yourself! › Take goTest
Which flower will make you happy when you’re in love? An Orchid. You don't seem to have a lot of confidence. If someone likes you, you don't even believe it! Try making a list with your best characteristics and remind yourself of how lovely you truly are! And give your crush a chance ;) › Take goTest
What is your aesthetic? You have a baddie aesthetic! › Take goTest
HOW FINNISH ARE YOU!!!!!!! You're not very finnish :( › Take goTest
goTests created by Korse
Title Description  
› Which season are you? Summer, fall, spring or winter? › Take goTest