10 latest goTests taken by Narnia

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Narnia tell about them.

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Title Result  
Do you slay? You are totally slaying! › Take goTest
what moomin character are you? you are little my! you are loud and have an exploding personality! you are known for your sharp tongue and quick temper, but you are a loyal and protective friend. you are brave and open for new things! › Take goTest
What bread are you? You're rye bread › Take goTest
I'm too old now-a-days Mister Woods? › Take goTest
Feeling Lucky? WINNER! Send a message 'winner' if you got this result. You will get a prize! › Take goTest
Are you a golden retriever or a black cat? Black cat! Meow. › Take goTest
Trivia! Random questions 1. 4 2. 122 3. Mandarin 4. Mitochondria 5. Pacific Ocean 6. Lisbon 7. 7 Thank you for taking my quiz! I hope you enjoyed it :) › Take goTest
I guess your favorite color! Pink › Take goTest
How cool r u hmmm u have weird taste but still love u › Take goTest
goTests created by Narnia