10 latest goTests taken by Chanel

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Chanel tell about her.

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Title Result  
Ever wanted to know if you are Lorelei, Sookie or Mrs. Kim? You got: Mrs. Kim! Oop, sorry. I won´t use exclamation points anymore.. :D › Take goTest
Are you an empath ? If so, how empathic are you ? you are extremely empathetic.you don't miss even the smallest emotion of people.and it doesn't matter if it's a stranger or a friend.no wonder you're so popular.everyone trusts you.but take good care of yourself. bad feelings could pull you down. › Take goTest
Do you know the lyrics? You truly are a POP GOD! You know every song in 'n' out, maybe even your favorite song is one of them! Nice job. PROUD OF YOU! › Take goTest
Are You A Gamer Maybe you should try leaving this page and try some different games? Who knows, maybe you'd like it. › Take goTest
How many camels are you worth? Amazing, you are worth 58 camels. What a deal! › Take goTest
What kind of gSm user are you? You're a forum dweller! Enjoy the buzzing activity levels - but be wary of spam and drama. › Take goTest
goTests created by Chanel
Title Description  
› How much like my dad are you? Take this goTest to find out how much like my dad you are! › Take goTest