10 latest goTests taken by peachens

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by peachens tell about her.

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Title Result  
What item in my apartment are you? The plushie You have a soft heart. You're sensitive to everything going on in this world. You want to be snuggled. You thrive in harmonious and loving situations. You might be a bit quiet, but that's because you're curious and like being a wallflower › Take goTest
Does the bingo queen like you or not? I love you <33 lets chat honey › Take goTest
Who's your Moderator Enemy? November › Take goTest
How old is your soul? You are a Mature Soul You are stable and caring and in search of interpersonal harmony! Strengths: reliable, introspective, emphatic Weaknesses: neurotic, internalizing feelings, overcompensating › Take goTest
Does GSM demon favor you You're on demon's favor! I don't know should I gongrats you or i'm sorry for you › Take goTest
Which 'Totally Spies'-Spy are you? You are Sam! › Take goTest
Do we match?? Heeey you! Yes, we are definitely a match!<3 Would love to get to know you! › Take goTest
Should you be Magday's friend? EH wtf you're no fun › Take goTest
Air, water, earth or fire sign? Okay my guess would be that you’re a EARTH sign.. (or moon/rising sign) thankyou for making time to take my gotest!! <3 › Take goTest
Which flying pig are you? Golden pig! You're worth a fortune (well, 500gm), you're kind, you shine like the sun, you're super generous and everyone loves you! You might be the best thing that ever happened to this place. Stay golden! › Take goTest
goTests created by peachens