10 latest goTests taken by anspaxoxo

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by anspaxoxo tell about them.

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Title Result  
are you a baddie? take the test! when you walk into the room, all eyes are on you! girl... ofcourse youre a baddie! its all about the confidence. being a baddie is a lifestyle <3 keep slaying xo › Take goTest
Which Harry Potter character are you? You are like Hermione Granger! You love books and studying but also your friends. You are smart and empathetic. › Take goTest
Are you a true finn? You are definitely a true Finn! Torille, vai miten se meni... › Take goTest
i will guess your zodiac sign You are a Water sign! › Take goTest
What Animal Are You?? A very happy dog! *WOOF* › Take goTest
goTests created by anspaxoxo
Title Description  
› Cutest boys ! Now you have to choose the cutest boy on the list! yay! › Take goTest