10 latest goTests taken by COMPLETEMESS

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by COMPLETEMESS tell about them.

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Title Result  
Are You a Barbie, Bratz, or Fairy? You are a fairy! › Take goTest
Which Taylor's Version era are you? You are... Folklore! You're known as the artistic friend, who more often than takes other's criticism to heart. You're sensitive in a world that appreciates toughness above everything, but haven't let your surroundings change you too much. › Take goTest
Who are you from the Barbie movie? You are Stereotypical Barbie! At first you might seem like everyone else - but you are quite unique. You stand up for yourself and the loved ones around you › Take goTest
Who are you in Bratz? You are Sasha! She is sassy with an attitude, but she is very protective over her friends! Her nickname is Bunny boo! › Take goTest
Which Taylor Swift Era Are You? Folklore/Evermore › Take goTest
what moomin character are you? you are snorkmaiden! you are creative, resourceful and a quick thinker. you hold your loved ones close and you enjoy collecting beautiful jewellery. › Take goTest
I can guess your Zodiac element! Your most prominent element is Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Some words that describe this element; reliable, practical, pragmatic, intelligent, dependable, perfectionist, analytical. › Take goTest
What kind of donut are you? Crunchy hazelnut caramel Love your unique look at life, don't let anyone put your free spirit in a box ever!! You go girl! › Take goTest
Are you a true potato lover? You are a true potato lover! Good for you, hope you get to eat lots of potatoes in your favourite form! <3 › Take goTest
Which Taylor Swift album is your vibe? Your vibe is... Fearless!<3 Youre a simple, elegant, smiley person. But fr girl quit daydreaming & do something with your life... Also work on them anger issues pls. Keep slaying › Take goTest
goTests created by COMPLETEMESS
Title Description  
› which harry styles song are you? i'm procrastinating so i made this test, lol. take this test & see if u give me kiwi, matilda, adore you or sweet creature vibes › Take goTest