10 latest goTests taken by ALMSIVI

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by ALMSIVI tell about him.

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Title Result  
Can we be friends? no you're not allowed in my fl › Take goTest
What item in my apartment are you? The bookshelf You take responsibility, take care of those around you, carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and you're smart. Stable, but under a lot of pressure. › Take goTest
How would you die in Sims 4? Cause of death: Too much steam in Sauna. That'll teach you to get your lazy bottom up - it can be deathly! At least you'll be very relaxed in the moment of death.. a bit too relaxed for my liking personally. Also, your skin will look like a raisin. › Take goTest
Do you like gum? You are gross, stop liking gross stuff. Grow up and stop chewing a ball of spit and gum › Take goTest
how good are your math skills?<3 Your math Skills are Perfect <3 › Take goTest
What's your love language? Words of affirmation! You especially feeled loved when your partner tells you and why. You like compliments, hearing your partner say what they like about you, and the words "I love you" and all its sweet variations. › Take goTest
Are you like Mardea? Are you.... me?? › Take goTest
How healthy are you? You are the great middleground between too healhty, and not enough! Keep doing what you do, more people should be this satisfied! › Take goTest
which my little pony are you You are Fluttershy - the element of Kindness! You have a massive heart, and even if you may sometimes be a little soft-spoken or introverted, you always try to make sure those around you are comfortable. Don't be afraid to open up to others! › Take goTest
goTests created by ALMSIVI
Title Description  
› What's your gamer type? This test tests what kind of gamer you are. Don't worry, you don't have to play games to answer this test. Based on Bartle' › Take goTest