Gizmo's content
I work till 5 everyday and I study after work this year, so I wont be that active <3
10 latest goTests taken by Gizmo

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Gizmo tell about her.

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Title Result  
gay test you're probably not gay › Take goTest
Your red flag: You *** at communicating. Sucks to never have your needs met.. › Take goTest
is your partner really in love with you love is in the air › Take goTest
What will happen in your near future? You will find happiness and balance in your near future. Love yourself <3 PS. You are most likely a cool person for answering the same way I would. › Take goTest
let's test your knowledge go off elijah wood › Take goTest
Are you too old for this game? In no Way, you are too old to play this game. If you know it, it´s pure nostalgia. I wish you so much more fun on this side *heart* › Take goTest
which comfort food are you fast food delivery. you may or may not have scurvy at this point <3 › Take goTest
how norwegian are you? You're 100% norwegian i'm sorry › Take goTest
Are you a garlic bread? YES! You are totally a garlic bread. You're warm and delicious and put a smile on everyone's faces! › Take goTest
Test if you are a good person Yes you are a very good person! › Take goTest
goTests created by Gizmo
Title Description  
› Math GoTest Test your math skills › Take goTest