10 latest goTests taken by Cio

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Cio tell about them.

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Title Result  
Perfect job for you depending on food! You're a simple person who prefers something simpler to do, something fun and creative! Like a hairdresser!! You enjoy chatting with clients and making them feel good and look good! › Take goTest
What animal are you? Psspssspsss kitty kitty kitty. You are a cat, can i pet you? › Take goTest
Would you survive in this anime? You're the swag protagonist. You've overcome all the struggles and won big time at life. You can now retire after you saved the world from harm... With a hot partner and cute dog. › Take goTest
What color personality do you have? Red Red personality type attracts attention and wants to be seen. You are strong and determined knowing what you want for life. And you'll fight for it. Red's are independent and they make good leaders. › Take goTest
Songs from disneymovies You are a true disney expert! › Take goTest
Are you a human or a robot? You are a human. Watch out for the robots! › Take goTest
Should you seek theraphy? My oh my. You should probably reach out before it gets worse, dear. I am slightly concerned for you ngl. › Take goTest
What Do You Need To Hear Right Now? You need to be kind to yourself. You're everywhere and nowhere all at once and your mind is noticing. Those negative thoughts you're having about yourself are not based on reality - you're fantastic and you should treat yourself like it! › Take goTest
Would you survive in a horror movie? I'm sorry hun. You were the character who acts as though you've never seen a horror movie ever. You died IMMEDIATELY. › Take goTest
goTests created by Cio
Title Description  
› Are you more dog or cat person Don't take too seriously. My first gotest › Take goTest