10 latest goTests taken by Essu

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Essu tell about her.

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Title Result  
Which Shrek character you are? You are Fiona! › Take goTest
What color are you? You are Blue! You represent a deep need for personal inner peace and truth. You like to live your life in peace and harmony. Blue is the color of having a sensitive and reliable side, with a consistent effort to think of others. › Take goTest
The Sorting Hat goTest Ravenclaw! Where those of wit and learning will always find their kind. Welcome to Ravenclaw House, where your mind is your most valuable asset. Ravenclaws prize learning and knowledge above all. They are creative and acceptant of all. › Take goTest
Are you smarter than a 12 year old? Congratulations! You are smarter than a 12 year old XD › Take goTest
Who is your Twilight soulmate? Jacob! Jacob is a true and loyal friend that is determined and fights for what he believes in until the end. He is playful and family means everything to him. He can get a bit temperamental and set in his ways but will always be there for you. › Take goTest
What kind of elemental bender are you? You are a fire-bender! › Take goTest
WHAT FEMALE MARVEL HERO ARE YOU You are: The Scarlet Witch! You are SO strong and caring! You would do anything for the people in your life. BUT remember to also take care of yourself x › Take goTest
Feeling Lucky? WINNER! Send a message 'winner' if you got this result. You will get a prize! › Take goTest
What F.R.I.E.N.D.S character are you? Chandler › Take goTest
Which Eevee are you? You got Espeon! Congrats! Espeon is one of the coolest evolution of eeve if you ask me. It is also a psychic type so it has many cool moves! › Take goTest
goTests created by Essu
Title Description  
› Guessing your favourite animal! Welcome! In this GoTest I am going to try and guess your favourite of the most popular household animals. Enjoy! › Take goTest
› Which HIMYM character are you? Welcome! Here you can test which How I Met Your Mother character you are most like.. Enjoy! › Take goTest