10 latest goTests taken by Charlotte97

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Charlotte97 tell about them.

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Title Result  
Which barbie movie are you? Barbie of swan lake! You are a strong, enduring soul whose kindness and love triumph evil. › Take goTest
How Norwegian are u? You are as norwegian as possible! Afterski and pinnekjøtt for life › Take goTest
Do you really know Mac Miller? Slay › Take goTest
Morality test / Are you a good person Yes girl you passed the test with the best score! You are kind person with good morals and I appreciate it a lot! › Take goTest
Are you born to be a moderator? YOU ARE BORN FOR THE JOB<3 › Take goTest
Predictions for 2023 ✨️ In 2023 you will find great joy in friendships and your love life is going to be amazing. Just remember to live, love and laugh. › Take goTest
music quizz <3 If you answered 5-6 questions right you did good! › Take goTest
Are you an extrovert, introvert or an ambivert? AMBIVERT You are finding to hard to make a choices rather you stay at home or go for a party bc you feeling FOMO. You tell your secrets, but not to everyone. Don't stress, go with the flow! Life is too short to overthink and regrets! <3 xx › Take goTest
Did u miss gSm? U have missed goSupermodel so much and you are happy to be back <3 goSupermodel is were Girls Rules › Take goTest
goTests created by Charlotte97