10 latest goTests taken by Espresso

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Espresso tell about them.

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Title Result  
Which Hogwarts House Would You Be In? You would be in Slytherin! You are sneaky, resourceful, and not afraid to bend the rules to your advantage. You consistently strive to get ahead, and will do everything you can to be in a position of power. › Take goTest
What color would you be? BLACK often has negative connotations with it, such as fear, evil or the unknown. Ew.. › Take goTest
Water, air, fire or earth Earth bender, hard as a rock › Take goTest
Are you like Weeknd? You're a little bit like me, but not my twin. › Take goTest
Is he/she a true friend? FIND OUT HERE!! The kind of friend where you continue where you left off Your friend is a true friend and those are hard to find! You better make sure to take care and nuture your friendship. It's important to be there for eachother when you are truly in need. › Take goTest
What dog bread are you? Who let the Newdoundland dog out? Who? Who? In your friend group you are the one who knows everybody, what they like and you like to take care of them. You listen very well and you are loyal. › Take goTest
Find out your Patronus! White Swan - White swans are creatures associated with grace, beauty, and loyalty. They are incredibly loyal and protective of their mates and children. Similarly, the Patronus will protect its master from any harm. White swan is a rare Patronus. › Take goTest
Are you a squirrel? You´re a filthy cow!! › Take goTest
Are you like me You are a little bit like me! I know we can still get along!  › Take goTest
are u gay??? :) u are a certified homo congrats<33 › Take goTest
goTests created by Espresso
Title Description  
› Can I guess your age? Take this test and I will try my best to guess your age › Take goTest