10 latest goTests taken by gardin

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by gardin tell about her.

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Title Result  
Are you toxic? You are not toxic but need to focus on your own needs a little more. Its not selfish to think of your own benefits sometimes. Stay goodhearted but don't let people take advantage of you either. Pls work on your selflove sweetie. › Take goTest
How much German do you know You're 100% German › Take goTest
Are u dumb? No way u dumb › Take goTest
Do you love Christmas or not? You are definitely a real Christmas person! You love Christmas as much as I do. You prefer to sacrifice yourself to get and see others happy. But don't forget that you also are allowed to spoil yourself so every now and then. › Take goTest
Naughty or Nice? Santa says: "You have been a really bad girl, you are on the naughty list, but you already knew that didn't you?" › Take goTest
Are you Barbie, Bratz, Winx or Monster High ? You're Barbie. You are a fashion setter, but still classy. You do what ever you want and don't care about gender boundries. You may be a bit workaholic, but you still dream of child-like dreams of fantasy world and being a princess. › Take goTest
Are you a REAL German? You're the real deal! You can call yourself an ALMAN! › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

› Take goTest
Save gSm from a virus! Code Couturier! You're the fashionista of the digital domain, unravelling virtual viruses with your coding finesse. With a keyboard as your catwalk, you strut into the heart of digital dilemmas and debug them in style. › Take goTest
goTests created by gardin
Title Description  
› If you were my child, would I give you up for adoption? Just for fun, don't take it too seriously › Take goTest
› Would I kiss, marry or kill you? Just for fun, don't take it too seriously › Take goTest