10 latest goTests taken by Donna Micio

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Donna Micio tell about her.

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Title Result  
Can I guess your favourite colour? I think your favourite colour is blue! Also thanks for taking this quiz, hope you enjoyed it :) › Take goTest
Could we be friends irl? We could have a chance at getting along. › Take goTest
ARE YOU LIKE ME? You are just like me,are we twins or smth? Nah but I already like you, be my friend already!<333 › Take goTest
Do I like you? Congrats I don't like you! › Take goTest
Which sea creature are you?

You are a siren! You have a talent for self-expression and enjoy exploring your creativity. It's hard to say no to a siren and that's why you get the newest goCode getmeaturtle (for International Turtle Day) without further ado. 

› Take goTest
Which Disney princess are you? You are Snow White! › Take goTest
Do you have ADHD? I'm pretty sure you have ADHD. › Take goTest
Are you a REAL goSupermodel player? You go girl! › Take goTest
Which country should you live in? Japan › Take goTest
goTests created by Donna Micio
Title Description  
› What do you like the most on GSM? Hello sweeties! It is so nice to see everyone happy with the relaunch of GSM. I thougt so many times that I was the only one that miss GSM so much. But, I'm not. I'm so thankfull for this! What do you like the most on GSM? › Take goTest