10 latest goTests taken by Erdbeerkatze.

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Erdbeerkatze. tell about her.

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Title Result  
are u crashing out u are crashing out › Take goTest
night Good night to you sweetest darling <3 May you have the best night sleep you ever could've dreamt of! › Take goTest
What kind of apple are you? You're an Auksis apple! Down to earth and not afraid to get dirty, probably employee of the month or something idk couldn't be me. › Take goTest
Do I think you are annoying? you are great and i like you › Take goTest
How many AD(H)D traits you got more than 5/10! Good luck maybe-fellow-ad(h)d-er! › Take goTest
PERSONALITY TEST BUT the questions are VERY specific Here are your stats: You're worried that people will leave you. You have many things in your past that you are embarrassed about. You think that your life is chaotic, but it's actually pretty stable. Don't worry so much. › Take goTest
What core -aesthetic are you? Goblincore! You enjoy things that most people don't. You're laidback and open for everything › Take goTest
New shopdrop or new gopack? New shop drop coming! /jk Gopack is making it's way › Take goTest
What decade fits you the best? The 90's! Less is more Grunge, Hip hop and baggy pants was all the rage, including a rise in minimalist looks; slip dresses ruling the runway. (Only 90's kids remember) › Take goTest
who's your daddy your daddy is brad pitt › Take goTest
goTests created by Erdbeerkatze.
Title Description  
› are you on TO? let us find out if you're on timeout! › Take goTest