10 latest goTests taken by swinchester

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by swinchester tell about her.

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Title Result  
Which book genre do you belong to? Romance. You like rutine and don't like change. Your home is your safe place. You are very loving and caring, but don't forget to let people in every now and then. › Take goTest
how many camels are you worth? 52 camels! congrats › Take goTest
which tvd character are you? you're caroline forbes ♡ › Take goTest
Do I like you? I totally like you! › Take goTest
Which Hogwarts Professor You Are? Severus Snape! › Take goTest
Are you like Lokahh? pt2 Yes! We are pretty alike!  › Take goTest
Are u dumb? We gotta love a dummie<3 › Take goTest
are u fucking annoying? oki smart *** you are not that annoying › Take goTest
Can I guess your age? You are somewhere between 10-13 › Take goTest
Where do you belong in Panem? You belong in district 2, masonry - an ambitious career district, loyal to the Capitol. Life in the districts might be unfair, but you understand what it takes to survive and get the best deal for yourself and your loved ones. › Take goTest
goTests created by swinchester