10 latest goTests taken by RubyMai

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by RubyMai tell about her.

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Title Result  
Which country should you move to? Are you... okay? I'm sorry if this comes as a shock, but it seems like you might find your spiritual homeland in Finland. › Take goTest
Can I Guess Your ZODIAC? Fire Sign! You are Aries, Leo or Sagittarius! › Take goTest
What Sims 4 family do you belong to? You are a perfect fit for the Kealoha household. This family lives on the island of sulani and love the beach and the sea! › Take goTest
What do your hands look like https://ibb.co/Phh133g › Take goTest
are you David hm, not really. good for you tbh › Take goTest
are you annoying at parties yes i might think youre sad and depressing % › Take goTest
HELP ME IM IN TIME OuT!!!!! HELP GUYS im trapped in gojail please send greetings or a gomessage if u see this › Take goTest
Do you need to poop? Go try to shit anyways! › Take goTest
Which person that I hate are you? You are yourself. The worst person of all › Take goTest
I'll guess your age! You must be older than 25! Send me a greeting if that was correct :) › Take goTest
goTests created by RubyMai
Title Description  
› Are you a real Rihanna fan? Test here if you are a real Riri-Navy! › Take goTest