10 latest goTests taken by Aperture

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Aperture tell about her.

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Title Result  
Are you staff... IN DISGUISE? Part II YOUR STAFF TWIN IS..... goKat! ღ Who in my opinion is; A sweet and caring family- & dog-mom, and leader of the creative on gSm! Who's motto would be being kind and fun! ღ › Take goTest
Who is your best friend: goNelly, goAlex or goJulia? Your bestie is Alex - the skateboarding punk girl, who loves animals! › Take goTest
Are you staff... IN DISGUISE? Part I YOUR STAFF TWIN IS..... Aperture!! Who I consider a really cool, very creative and strong soul, with a lot of humor that lights up a room when she enters. ღ › Take goTest
Who are your JD siblings?! You're siblings with Formidable, Svettigkaktus, Vardenya, Dani Starr and ano! › Take goTest
goTests created by Aperture