10 latest goTests taken by Lilies and Remains

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Lilies and Remains tell about her.

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Title Result  
gay test you're so gay › Take goTest
What kind of rodent are you? You're a rat! › Take goTest
Get a book recommendation! The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson & The Shining - Stephen King › Take goTest
What academia aesthetic are you? Light academia! You like going to art museums and taking it slow. You might take up a more creative hobby on the side of studying, and you love to read classic literature. You put little notes of encouragement into your friends´ books. › Take goTest
What Buffy character are you 2 You're Spike! You cling to the bad boy image, but I have a feeling there's a softie in you just waiting to get out. You have a bad smoking habit - but you're already dead, so who cares? Remember: you can be a softie and cool at the same time! › Take goTest
What Buffy character are you? You're Giles! You're the brains of the group, but the bookish street- smart type of brains. You used to dabble in some dark stuff and might have hooked up with your bestie. You really like tea with biscuits and have a great taste in music! <3 › Take goTest
goTests created by Lilies and Remains
Title Description  
› Simptest send me a friend request if you win warning, this is very specific › Take goTest