10 latest goTests taken by Luckymoment

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Luckymoment tell about her.

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Title Result  
this is the most expensive fmb :) › Take goTest
please it is too quiet i wish we could play bingo or talk in forums › Take goTest
how many camels are you worth? 31 camels! congrats › Take goTest
Let me guess your nationality Scandinavia or Finland › Take goTest
Can I Guess Your ZODIAC? Water Sign! You are Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces! › Take goTest
I'll guess your favorite color I think your favorite color is yellow or orange, or some shade of yellow/orange! › Take goTest
Smash or pass - picky eater edition Unfortunately or fortunately, you decide, you’re a picky eater :o › Take goTest
brainrot quiz less than 20% brainrot. you're an example to us all › Take goTest
whats your zodiac sign? You give me earth sign vibess!! Capricorn, taurus or virgo! They're known to be stable, pragmatic, and unwavering. If you want someone to edit your résumé or help you move, you're calling an earth sign! You're a reliable friend! › Take goTest
What famous frog are you? Frog from Minecraft | The chill minimalist. This frog lives in the moment, enjoying life’s simple pleasures. Quiet but content, they’re the laid-back buddy who’s happy to hang out. › Take goTest
goTests created by Luckymoment