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If I was a worm and I was cut in 2, would you love me twice as much?
10 latest goTests taken by Juju

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Juju tell about them.

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Title Result  
What kind of cat are you? RED CAT TRAVELER Life is one big adventure! MEOW! You love to hunt everything and play with everything! Your coat is a bit covered in dust from looking for toys under the sofa, and car trips are not terrible for you! › Take goTest
Are you a Gsm Expert? (Very hard!) You really slayed and should begin a gsm wiki! › Take goTest
Let me guess how many sex partners you’ve had You’ve had between 1-3 sex partners › Take goTest
which eurovision 2023 song are you? you're cha cha cha by käärijä from finland! › Take goTest
What gsm-item are u? https://gosupermodel.com/item/TvdHXUpDsndiAqFaqm8Oh › Take goTest
Who's your Moderator Enemy? November › Take goTest
Are you a Karen? Nope you're no Karen yet but you can become one › Take goTest
Which The Secret History character are you? Henry Winter You're quiet and like to be alone. You're often the most intelligent person in the room, but for some reason people don't trust or like you. You have good taste in everything. › Take goTest
Should you be Magday's friend? EH wtf you're no fun › Take goTest
goTests created by Juju
Title Description  
› Sorting you into a Hogwarts house Let the Sorting Hat do it's job. › Take goTest