10 latest goTests taken by hotchic

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by hotchic tell about them.

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Title Result  
What color are you? You got Hydra Blue! You are Proactive, Energetic & Friendly. › Take goTest
Which Lord of the Rings character are you? You are Boromir. A man who lusts for the one ring in order to do good. If he only knew... He doesn’t radiate the "nice guy" vibe, but he gladly sacrifices himself for his friends. › Take goTest
personality test You are strong and determined. Thats a good quality and most likely you will be able to make it far in life as you put yourself first (as one should). But be careful, dont be too selfish, then you can lose friends and family and end up alone. › Take goTest
Are you gay? You're probably gay › Take goTest
Do you SLAY? Giiiirrrl you SLAAY! I amazed by how much you slay lovely<3 › Take goTest
Why are u single U are better than everyone or atleast people think so.. › Take goTest
goTests created by hotchic
Title Description  
› PERSONALITY TEST Do you know yourself? Learn more about yourself through this short personality test. If you're interested in knowing more, you can soon find a full summary on my GoBlog. Take care! › Take goTest