10 latest goTests taken by foppan

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by foppan tell about them.

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Title Result  
Which 'Totally Spies'-Spy are you? You are Clover! › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

› Take goTest
☢️ Are you toxic? ☢️ your an angel !!! u are one of the few pure of heart stay that way!!! ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️ › Take goTest
WHAT IS MY DREAM JOB? Celebrity - watch out for the paparazzi! › Take goTest
Have you found the one? You have found your one true love, the one that understands you better than anyone else and that makes you feel safe, warm and loved. › Take goTest
HARRY POTTER HOUSE TEST Congratulations! You're a Hufflepuff! › Take goTest
What tv-show are you? Family Guy you are just so funny! › Take goTest
Are you an OG-gSm person?? you know EVERYTHING!!! You're an real OG <33 › Take goTest
Are you a gSm expert? Congratulations! You are an expert and know all the little details about goSupermodel. › Take goTest
Something about you WOW!! We are pretty similar <3 I think that we have a lot in common because our answers matched a lot :) I think that I would get along well with you. › Take goTest
goTests created by foppan
Title Description  
› Introvert or extrovert? Are you more of an introvert or extrovert? Choose the answer that is the most true for you, most of the time › Take goTest