10 latest goTests taken by Frigg Forrest

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Frigg Forrest tell about them.

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Title Result  
Which country should you move to? Your soul would feel at peace in Japan. Or maybe you just like sumo wrestling that much. › Take goTest
Which Insect Are You? You are a Bee! You have perfectionist tendencies. You are very practical and may be a workaholic. You love to contribute, whatever that may be(e)! › Take goTest
Which forest animal are YOU?<3 A Fish! You live in the water with all your fishy friends. Maybe a little pond, where other animals sometimes gather for a little drink? They don't bother you much, you would rather deal with fishy business<3 › Take goTest
Do I like you? I totally like you! › Take goTest
How much are we alike? We're opposites BUT you seem like fun! › Take goTest
What shark are you? You are a Whale shark! The whale shark's flattened head sports a blunt snout above its mouth with short barbels protruding from its nostrils › Take goTest
are you a tapeworm? you are not a tapeworm › Take goTest
what worm are you? you are not even a worm??? why did you even take the test " › Take goTest
Are you like Lokahh? pt2 Omg yes!! TWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN  › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

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goTests created by Frigg Forrest
Title Description  
› What type of bug are you? title says it all › Take goTest
› Would I date you? I'm very picky › Take goTest