10 latest goTests taken by Benitaa

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Benitaa tell about her.

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Title Result  
"Never have i ever" You didn't pass u baddie - slay <3 › Take goTest
What color are you? Let me guess... You are the color RED! <3 Love that color, you should send me a friend request $ › Take goTest
Are you an empath ? If so, how empathic are you ? you are quite empathetic.you already understand the people around you very well.but your empathy is only with friends and family. you can try to meet strangers with the same empathy from time to time. › Take goTest
Are You a Barbie, Bratz, or Fairy? Oooh Bratz, the girls with a passion for fashion! › Take goTest
How many red flags do YOU have?? You don't have any red flags.. hmmm that must be a mistake, everyone has at least one red flag! › Take goTest
Smash or pass on Korean actors You have excellent taste in Korean men :P › Take goTest
Which ice cream flavor are you? Except they're all BAD CHEESE FLAVORED ~ You got that cheesy vibe You taste like cheese my guy. You probably are a funny person, but you got a vibe or a feeling if you will, that something is off about you. Maybe you've been left in a dark, moist, room.. kinda like cheese › Take goTest
How bad are you at Wardrobe Challenge? You're a god, I'm jealous of your skills! Teach me your ways master. › Take goTest
goTests created by Benitaa