10 latest goTests taken by Faleria

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Faleria tell about her.

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Title Result  
Are you staff... IN DISGUISE? Part II YOUR STAFF TWIN IS..... goKat! ღ Who in my opinion is; A sweet and caring family- & dog-mom, and leader of the creative on gSm! Who's motto would be being kind and fun! ღ › Take goTest
What is your aesthetic? Goblin core - You are quirky, a bit of a loner type. If you don't have a cool collection of trinkets, you should start one! You are a great person to hang out with though, you give off good vibes. Do you want to go to find some weird fungi with me? › Take goTest
are u fucking annoying? You are definitely fucking annoying  › Take goTest
What kind of rodent are you? You're a mouse! › Take goTest
Let me guess how many sex partners you’ve had You’re a virgin › Take goTest
Do you have the best zodiac sign? Ew, no. › Take goTest
Will your model get deleted one day? You will never get deleted! You probably won't even get a warning <3 › Take goTest
Who's Your Moderator Twin? You have the most in common with moderator Elf! › Take goTest
goTests created by Faleria
Title Description  
› Are you a pizza or a banana? This is the most random stuff ever › Take goTest