10 latest goTests taken by cackle

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by cackle tell about them.

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Title Result  
How Norwegian are u? You are as norwegian as possible! Afterski and pinnekjøtt for life › Take goTest
Are you a pick-me girl? You are the opposite of a pick me girl. You are a girls girl true and true, you stick to girl code and think men are toxic. Good for you girl. You rule! › Take goTest
are you annoying at parties you’re not annoying at all let’s go to the bathroom and Rush! iykyk › Take goTest
Let me guess your zodiac sign! You're definitely a water sign; Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio! Always sensitive and sentimental - your emotions are always flowing like the waves of the oceans! › Take goTest
WHO IN THE DISNEY?? You are REX! You may seem tough on the outside, but you are actually really gentle and hate arguing. A little gullible, but hey, you find happiness and enjoyment in most things! › Take goTest
What aesthetic suits you the best? Softgirl Also known as Softies The Soft Girl aesthetic goes for the ultra cutesy and feminine look. This look pushes the boundaries of looking ”girly”. The look incorporates a lot of pinks, pastel shades, and glitter. › Take goTest
How alike are we? OOh, I have found my twin... almost at least! This is just the beginning of my test! Be on the watchout for my next one! Love LauraJee › Take goTest
What 1899 character are you? You are Ling Yi, a mysterious Chinese young woman who is disguising herself as Japanese. You're just trying to get to your destination, away from your homeland. That's all. Nothing will go wrong, right? RIGHT? › Take goTest
goTests created by cackle
Title Description  
› How cool are you? Are you even cool? I guess you gotta check here. › Take goTest
› Are you a yes or a no person? Not that deep, bruh › Take goTest
› Are you a cow? Answer questions and find out! › Take goTest
› What colour are you? Discover what colour you are! :) › Take goTest