10 latest goTests taken by Everglow

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Everglow tell about her.

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Title Result  
What legendary IKEA animal are you? You got DJUNGELSKOG! You are soft cuddly and a good friend. You love sleeping and hugs. You are always there to listen to others problems. › Take goTest
Biology Test You passed!!! You got most answers correct <3 › Take goTest
Are you a man*?? no :( › Take goTest
What color are you? Let me guesss.... You are the color BROWN! <3 Love that color, you should send a me friend request $ › Take goTest
Discover your Katy Perry Match goTest

The Katy Perry song that matches your personality is... California Gurls


You are unforgetabble, undeniable, fine, fresh and fierce, all according to our pop queen herself. 

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What item in my apartment are you? The soda streamer You're good at giving practical advice, generally a bit pragmatic. That might scare some people because they see you as uptight or cold. You're not tho! You just know what people want to achieve, and you want to help them reach that › Take goTest
I guess if you're rich on gSm You're rich › Take goTest
goTests created by Everglow
Title Description  
› I will guess your age let me guess your age this is 100& accurate btw › Take goTest