10 latest goTests taken by Chxrry

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Chxrry tell about her.

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Title Result  
Are you like me? We are quite alike! Wanna come have a chat? Don't hesitate! › Take goTest
Personality test! Your vibe is pretty laid back and the energy people get from you depends on who they are. › Take goTest
Barbie, Bratz or Fairy? You're a BARBIE girl, in a BARBIE WORLD! › Take goTest
Weirdly specific questions to guess your Zodiac <3 Fire bestie <3 (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) You're super hot, crazy, passionate, you care about people (but mostly urself, its ok) Little miss center-of-attention, there's a reason your song is toxic by britney... hahaha jk........ love u › Take goTest
Which Winx are you? You're Musa, the Guardian Fairy of Music from Melody. Her powers are related to sound waves and music. Musa's powers are connected not just with music but the actual power of sound waves and sonic pressure. › Take goTest
Are you Dutch? You're 0% Dutch. Please come visit The Netherlands to see everyone in wooden shoes and enjoy the sunny weather! › Take goTest
goTests created by Chxrry