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10 latest goTests taken by Lorelaii

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Lorelaii tell about them.

You can also take the goTests yourself and see if you get the same results!
Title Result  
What color are u? You definitely are a pink girl <3 › Take goTest
Which one of the FRIENDS are you? You are RACHEL! You are a real fashionista › Take goTest
flop or slay era? you are slaying and serving you are in your girlboss moment and you know it keep going sis › Take goTest
are you annoying at parties you’re not annoying at all let’s go to the bathroom and Rush! iykyk › Take goTest
Are you more like Adrell or chezza? You are more like chezza!! GOOD! › Take goTest
What role do you have in your friend group? You're the loud jokester of the group! You tell jokes and funny anecdotes all the time and it's easy to hang out with you. You're very outgoing and it's never boring around you. › Take goTest
goTests created by Lorelaii
Title Description  
› Are you a picky eater? Take this test to find out are you a picky eater! (totally accurate) › Take goTest