10 latest goTests taken by Bademesteren

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Bademesteren tell about her.

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Title Result  
Writing or drawing sketzmo'er You are a drawing sketzmo'er. Now go play some sketzmo! › Take goTest
Are you like Sof? We are pretty much the same person % Pls hit me up because i want to be your friend rn!  › Take goTest
Are u like Aurora (me)!!? We are the same person woowwww!? dm me if u dare ! › Take goTest
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

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Are you a Rori or a Camzilla?

OMG! You are totally a fashionista like Rori. I bet you have a giant wardrobe collection and care about collecting rare, special items too. 

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What's your love language? Words of affirmation! You especially feeled loved when your partner tells you and why. You like compliments, hearing your partner say what they like about you, and the words "I love you" and all its sweet variations. › Take goTest
Can i guess which country you are from? Denmark › Take goTest
Are you cool? You are the coolest!!! › Take goTest
Friends trivia Yea you good! › Take goTest
goTests created by Bademesteren
Title Description  
› How well do you know Harry Potter? No amount of magic is going to help you with this one. › Take goTest