10 latest goTests taken by Vanesssia

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Vanesssia tell about her.

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Title Result  
Are u a potential friend of mine? Hmm.. you're a potential friend, but not for sure.. like I can't tell if we would get a long for sure but I know there's a possibility, add me as a friend and tell me you got this result, maybe we will get along super good! ♡ › Take goTest
How addicted are you with gsm? You have for sure a gsm addiction! You spend hours and hours a day on gsm. You don't want to put gsm down. You like it the much, nothing wrong with this. But maybe spend some time in to something else. But hey join the club, i have the same issue!XD › Take goTest
Which perfume fits you? Chloé edp <3 › Take goTest
goTests created by Vanesssia