10 latest goTests taken by Demi

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Demi tell about her.

You can also take the goTests yourself and see if you get the same results!
Title Result  
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

› Take goTest
What is your carbon footprint Climate activist saving the world singlehandedly, you might not pass school because you are never present on fridays (for future). › Take goTest
are you dumb or smart? impressed with your knowledge. here is a medal for you: o › Take goTest
90s music quiz, difficult!! Yes! You got a lot, if not all of the answers right! You must be a 90s kid!! very cool <3 › Take goTest
are you gay you are gay › Take goTest
Where will you travel next? Your next travel destination is SPAIN! › Take goTest
Are you a cool person? YOU'RE COOL! › Take goTest
goTests created by Demi
Title Description  
› What is your IQ? Test your IQ by solving a set of fun logical number series. Are you smarter than Einstein? › Take goTest