10 latest goTests taken by ethelcain

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by ethelcain tell about her.

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Title Result  
Which Shrek character you are? You are Gingerbread man! › Take goTest
are we alike we have a lot in common but it's not like we're the exact replica of each other › Take goTest
Are you Bomma's favourite grandchild? Good grandchild, take a cookie! › Take goTest
are you a lunatic, a poet or a hero? a hero, saviour of the world and death of one. you're the villain in their story. › Take goTest
Swedish midsummer Congratulations! You are a Midsummer maestro! Your knowledge about Swedish Midsummer is impressive. › Take goTest
should u get a tattoo? you should definitely get one. at least one. it might help u out › Take goTest
Are you the toxic roommate? You are the most normal roommate I have ever seen. Didn't know you even existed. You know when to be normal and you're pleasant to live with. Are you sure you're not a toxic roommate in disguise? › Take goTest
are you based? omg ur so based............ › Take goTest
goTests created by ethelcain
Title Description  
› swedish test are you actually swedish let’s see › Take goTest
› gay test well › Take goTest