10 latest goTests taken by colavic

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by colavic tell about them.

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Title Result  
did we listen to the same music in our teens? which one of us has been living in the gutter???? › Take goTest
Wardrobe challenge player types Based on your answers, you might start systematically clicking the bubbles away but at some point you may lose you patience and just start randomly going at the game. This way you can beat some levels. I suspect you've at least reached level 2. › Take goTest
What's your spirit animal? Bear. On a spiritual level, the bear represents the courage to evolve and the ability to be open-minded. › Take goTest
The one with trick questions Oh, so close, but not close enough ): › Take goTest
Introvert or extrovert You are more Extrovert. You like to be around with people and feel good › Take goTest
Weirdly specific questions to guess your Zodiac <3 Earth bestie <3 (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Congrats, you got the best one! Also known as the keepers of peace and justice, you are warm and caring. They will always put others first, but also cry a lot, if other people dont. stop crying so much › Take goTest
What color is your aura? Your aura is orange - this means you are a adventurous, thoughtful and a considerate human being. › Take goTest
What is your OG gSm persona? Just chilling You were here to chat, chill and play. Probably not known by most, but part of gSm’s backbone. I hope you get to make great memories on gSm again. › Take goTest
What is your PERFECT nickname? Sunshine Boo Toots › Take goTest
goTests created by colavic