10 latest goTests taken by haagrid

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by haagrid tell about them.

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Title Result  
It’s time to choose your team...

You have been chosen on Team Witch! Join the coven, make yourself comfortable and practice the most wonderful spells

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Which Winx are you? You're Musa, the Guardian Fairy of Music from Melody. Her powers are related to sound waves and music. Musa's powers are connected not just with music but the actual power of sound waves and sonic pressure. › Take goTest
Are You a Barbie, Bratz, or Fairy? You are a fairy! › Take goTest
are you annoying at parties you’re not annoying at all let’s go to the bathroom and Rush! iykyk › Take goTest
What WinX Character are You? When I next time need IT support I'll justy ask you, because you're just like Techna! You like to do things in your own way. › Take goTest
Are you a boss baby in dating? 10% boss woman. You shouldn't put all your eggs on one basket and don't let the dating affect your self worth. Everyone gets ghosted, it has nothing to do with your character or your looks. › Take goTest
Ootko emo, pissis vai normo? Olet emo! Sinä olet pimeyden lähettiläs, joka ei pelkää poiketa valtavirrasta. Tuoksut Monster energiajuomalle ja otat selfiet yläkulmasta. Elämänohje sinulle: Saatat löytää pissiksestä sydän ystävän. Älä tuomitse muita, vaikka sinua tuomittaisiin. › Take goTest
goTests created by haagrid