We are looking to add some new people to our current moderator team. Please read the entire news post carefully before applying.
We want to start off by sharing a bit about the process this time around, how it will work and explain why we wanted to change to this way of doing things, instead of our regular way of searching for moderators.
Safety on the website is incredibly important and without the moderators there is none. While we are making some new changes behind the scenes and within the structure of the team (how to do things, guidelines, etc.), we need new people on the team to ensure all the moderators can do their work without getting overworked and to ensure safety on the website. We are extremely thankful to the current and old moderators for keeping the website safe, and continuing to do their best to keep it that way.
We have decided we want to do an open search from now on. This means that if you apply to become a moderator, we will keep your application for a maximum of six months, after which your application will get automatically deleted from us. You are free to apply with the same application several times. By applying, you consent to us having your application for six months. It will be explained further down below.
We might hire a few each six months, we might hire many, or we might not hire anyone. We want to make this clear, as we will be hiring on-demand and make sure we can properly integrate the new moderators to the team. Please keep in mind that the earliest we will start looking at applications will be in 2 weeks.
What is a moderator?
Moderators are volunteers who help keep the goSupermodel community safe and help users with inquiries. They keep the forums clean (deleting comments, locking forums…etc.), make sure the rules are followed (sending rule reminders or sanctioning users when necessary), answer questions, handle user reports (including, but not limited to, bug reports), accept images, de-escalate conversations, and work closely with the Admin team to report issues.
Moderators also have meetings with the Admin team and the Moderator Supervisors where they receive updates, can ask questions, and can bring up anything that could be useful to discuss. The frequency of these meetings depends on the team’s need for them. The most frequent they occur is bi-weekly.
As a moderator, you are not able to delete or ban users, or read private messages.
What is it like being a moderator?
Being a moderator is a chance for personal development and helping a community you love. At times, it can be very fun. However, we have observed that some users may have a glamorized view of what the job is like. As a moderator, you do a lot of “grunt work”. Examples of this are handling controversial threads, being seen as the bad cop from time to time, and mental endurance to make difficult decisions (sometimes alone). You may also witness images you wish you did not when working in image approval.
This is worth keeping in mind before applying:
There will be certain limitations to what you can do when you are a moderator and expectations for how to behave. These expectations will be laid out for you. If you, for example, enjoy heated discussions in the forums, it might not be a job for you. The Moderators also represent goSupermodel (just as all volunteers do), and we expect them to follow their guidelines and to behave in a professional way towards other users, the team and the company. Moderators have stricter guidelines on how to behave on-site due to the nature of their role and responsibilities.
The payment re-negotiations will be starting up again later in 2025, but for now this is the following salary for moderators:
Daily VIP (1 day added every day that you are badged)
A monthly outfit selection chosen by Campaign Team
Cannot join official competitions
Keep in mind that being a Moderator is very demanding volunteer work, and it is not a position that should be wanted just for the compensation.
These are the fixed requirements to become a moderator:
You must be at least 18 years of age.
You must be able to communicate effectively in English.
You must be able to be active 5-7 hours a week (breaks are, of course, allowed).
We are ideally looking for:
Someone with a passion for goSupermodel and keeping the community safe.
Someone who is kind and compassionate.
Someone who is fair.
Someone who is able to put aside personal feelings in order to do the job.
Someone who is able to cooperate well with our team.
Someone who is able to keep information confidential.
Someone who is able to be impartial.
Someone who is comfortable applying the rules.
Someone who is able to handle criticism and being disliked at times.
Someone who can moderate controversial threads and questions.
Someone with knowledge and/or experience about difficult and potentially harmful topics.
Someone who is passionate about Inclusivity and diversity and willing to learn about these topics.
We especially encourage people who are part of underrepresented groups to apply for the position, as we are always looking for new perspectives and competencies.
Things that will immediately exclude you from the process:
Not fulfilling the fixed requirements.
Previous sanctions for behavior that has harmed others (call-out forums, cheating, transphobia, racism, ableism, etc.)
Many sanctions for the same rule break.
Application written with AI.
In other words, a warning for spamming once or having used a foreign language will not exclude you from the search. Sanctions more than 6 months old will not be taken into account (this depends on the severity of the sanctions).
We do not allow applications written with AI as we need your application to come from you, your motivations and to see your skill level when writing in English.
What we will not keep in mind when considering candidates:
Popularity, VIP, username (as long as it is in accordance with the rules), and similar things.
The form of your application. It is the content that counts!
Criticizing staff, management and volunteer teams in a constructive and helpful way.
In general, applications are judged based on our impression of whether you will be a good moderator. There are many things that may give us this impression (and that might give us the impression of the opposite being true). Not all of it is listed here. However, we hope these bullet points give you a basic understanding of what we are (not) looking for.
We are accepting applications via email.
Send an email to moderator@momio.zendesk.com with your application. You should get an automatic email response to let you know your email has been delivered.
Your application must include the following:
Your username and (preferred) name.
Age: Moderators must be above 18 years old.
The country you live in and what languages you know.
What strengths do you have related to being a moderator?
At what times are you typically available to do moderation work?
Would you be comfortable handling cases that are harmful to people of marginalized groups?
Maximum 3 pages pr. application.
We would love for your application to include the following, but it is not mandatory:
What is your motivation for becoming a moderator?
What does "good netiquette" mean to you?
Describe a situation where you have faced criticism/backlash and how you handled it.
When you apply to become a moderator this time around, we will keep your application for a maximum of six months. There is no deadline to apply and you can apply multiple times during the 6 month period. If you do wish to still become a moderator once the 6 months is over and your application is deleted, please re-apply. You are free to apply with the same application, it does not need to be a new one.
Feel free to be as creative (or uncreative) as you want! You can send it as a PDF, a normal email, a video essay, or however you wish. However, if you send us a creative application, eg. an animated presentation, please attach your text in clean format in case we are unable to open your project. The creativity or lack of it will not impact your chances, we will make our decisions based on the content itself.
Video essays etc. should be no longer than 5 minutes.
Keep in mind that when applying, you consent to us storing and using your personal data in the search process. You also consent to us storing your application for six months. Your personal information will not be shared outside of the Admin and leadership team, and it will only be used in order to decide if you fit the job.
All the applications we get will be read by the Admin team and the Moderator Supervisors only. Potential applicants will be vetted based on the information available to us. After this process, we will contact potential applicants. These potential candidates will be contacted for a video interview.
As this process is ongoing throughout the year, we will add new people when there is a necessity for new members. If there are any issues or relevant updates, we will inform you about them, but otherwise we will not have too many updates about the on-going search. We will announce new moderators when they are picked and have had their basic training.
Please do not speculate on new possible Moderators as it can be a difficult time for those waiting to hear answers. The ones chosen to move on in the process are not allowed to share this with anyone except the Moderators, and speculations can put them in a very uncomfortable situation.
The Admin team and the Moderator Supervisors are the only ones reading the applications and making the decisions for who we hire. If we get an application from someone one of us knows personally, another Admin or Moderator Supervisor will process that application.
We have made a topic where you can ask questions, we have set up a schedule when we are there to answer those questions. Please remember to read this post carefully before asking anything. You can find the topic here.
We are super excited to read all of your applications!
With love,
The Admin Team and the Moderator Supervisors