Design a Pride Flag Outfit
1. June 2024 10:30
Join our Guest Designer competition!

An invitation to everyone that wants to celebrate the rich diversity of the LGTBQIA+ community together with us, to design an outfit inspired by one of the pride flags. Choose a pride flag that speaks to you, whether it's the inclusive Progress Flag, the Trans Flag, or any other flag that represents the beautiful spectrum of identities within the LGTBQIA+ community. 

All details regarding participation:

Follow these steps to participate:

✦ Make sure you read the goSupermodel Design Guide here. 

✦ Pick one of the pride flags that inspires and/or resonates with you.

✦ Make sure your design is inspired by one of the Pride Flags available on goSupermodel. You can find a list of available flags here

✦ Create a design that incorporates the colors and/or symbolism of your chosen pride flag.

✦ Submit your design through this form. Make sure to upload the file that showcases both the full look as the items seperated. 

✦ Make sure to answer the accompanying questions within the application form. 


Important information regarding your design submission:

✦ You can only submit one outfit. 

✦ You are not allowed to do full face make-ups. Any makeup should be complementary to your outfit and work for all of the goSupermodel skin colors.

Your design can consist of a maximum of 10 items, excluding recolours of which you can make 4. In total, not exceeding, 14 items.


Judging criteria

During this competition, we pick winners based on the following criteria: 

✦ How well-made the is outfit?

✦ How unique is the design?

✦ Does it bring fresh ideas or combinations to the concept of representing the pride flag in a goSuper fashionable way? 

✦ How well does the outfit incorporate the colors of the pride flag it's based on? 



The deadline for the competition is Wednesday, June 19th at 23:59 CEST. Submissions that are submitted after the deadline will not be eligible to win. 



The winners of this competition will have the honor of having their items featured on goSupermodel, with their name attached to it. The items the winners created will be used on goSupermodel as shop items .The winners will receive their own design/items and in addition will be rewarded with a one-month VIP package, for their contribution.

Looking forward to the amazing entries!

We are looking forward to your amazing designs, and can’t wait to see some of the amazing looks as part of our Pride Month collections that are being launched throughout the month!


If you have any questions, please feel free to use the topic in the 'From the goSupermodel Team' forum section. 



The goSupermodel Team