Happy Focus Group anniversary
1. May 2024 08:30
Congrats to our Focus Group! 

We are celebrating our beloved goFocussers today!


It has been a whole year already since the first generation of Focussers have gotten their badges. Their dedicated work, from user feedback to testing new features, and from standalone competitions to amazing campaigns, should be celebrated, and we would like to celebrate it together with the amazing community they all do this for. 


The Focus Group will launch four challenges during the day, which can be completed easily as long as the community works together. Challenge complete? Good, because each completed challenge will unlock a new goCode! We hope love you green. 


All the fun takes place in the Spring Retreat today, so please make sure you keep an eye on that forum section today. You don't want to miss out on this!

Make sure to join the challenges!

The challenges are a mix of what the Focus Group has brought you so far, and the first one of them is even giving you an opportunity to get them to know better! The first challenge will roll out around 09:00 CEST and the final challenge will be posted around 20:00 CEST. That means new challenges throughout the day! 


To get the celebration started, we will kick-off with a forum topic in which you can share your best Focus Group memories so far!  


Make sure to check in the topic -- as we will also let you know when a new challenge starts in that topic. We can't wait to see the community work together on unlocking fabulous goCode items. If green is your favorite color - just like Showtime's - we're pretty sure you don't want to miss the activities today. 



The Focus Group & The goSupermodel Team