JD Competition Final Results
11. April 2024 18:00

Junior Designer Competition


Here we are at the moment we have all been excitedly waiting for. We want to start by saying thank you to every single one of you who has participated and has shown interest in helping out gSm as a volunteer and also thank you for being patient with us as we had to put the competition on hold when we experienced technical issues. 

As you read the results we want you to keep in mind that everyone has worked very hard and we have spent a lot of time carefully considering who to choose. We do not want to see any comments putting down other user's submissions because you are disappointed by the outcome. It is okay to feel disappointed and sad for not making it or having a friend who didn't make it, but we expect everyone to behave appropriately and not put other submissions down and instead try to lift each other up. 
When judging we have taken the first round submission into consideration as well as the final design. Judging has been very difficult, all the designs we have gotten have been truly amazing, but a decision has to be made. 
We have decided to change to amount of total winners from 6-7 to 8 as well as picking 5 Guest Designer collections instead of 4!
We don't want to leave the rest of you empty-handed so we will be giving all contestants a JD comp souvenir.
These three trophies will be sent out to everyone who participated in this JD competition. The gold Trophy will be sent to the 8 winners of the competition, the silver trophy will be sent out to the other contestants who made it to the final round and the bronze trophy will be sent to the contestants who unfortunately did not make it to the final round. These trophies will be untradable.

Without further ado, here are the winners of this Junior Designer Competition. (The names are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect ranking)
JD Competition Winners: 
Guest Designer Collection Winners:
Blaa Fe

All new Junior Designers and Guest Designers will be contacted tomorrow by Spigg or Rori with instructions on how to proceed.