JD Comp Lost Submissions
25. March 2024 14:00
  JD Comp Lost Submissions

Seems like there have been some issues with the Junior Designer Competion tool and that some submissions that were entered in the comp never reached us. This is of course very unfortunate and although we don't know what might be causing this we will try to look into it. 


We want to keep it fair, a technical issue on the website is not something that should prevent you from getting your design into the competition. If you were unable to submit to the competition while the first round was still active (meaning before the deadline of 17/03 23.59 CET) then we want you to write to the mod box as this is our fastest line of communication. after you have done so Spigg will reach out to you. 


How do you know if we didn't get your submission?

Yesterday after the winners were announced we sent out a goMail to all participants saying if you had made it or not. If you didn't receive such mail yesterday then that could mean that we did not receive your submission (unless we just spelt your name wrong in the mailing list :P). If you didn't get a goMail and you thought you had submitted your design before the deadline was over then please reach out to the mod box before tomorrow 26/03 at 10:00 CET


We want to give these lost submissions a chance so we will be evaluating them with the same standards that we judged our other submissions on which means they will also be background-checked. If we judge that the submission should have made it past the first round then they will be permitted to move on the round 2.


Round 2 will be put on hold in the meantime until we have had a chance to judge the lost submissions. This means that the schedule for the JD competition will change to make sure that the deadlines stay fair. Below you can see an updated schedule. Keep in mind that this could still change.



 4th March


 Competition starts

 17th March  23.59 CET  Deadline for 1st round
 18th March    Judges start judging
 24th March  18.00 CET  Result of 1st round
 28th March    Round 2 starts
 3rd April  23.59 CET  Deadline for 2nd round
 4st April    Judges start Judging
 11th April  18.00 CET  Final Results


Thank you for your continued patience while we work this issue out.