JD Comp: Round 1 Results
24. March 2024 18:00

JD Comp: Round 1 Results


We want to start off by saying that everybody has done an absolutely AMAZING job. No matter where you end up in this competition you should be so so so proud of yourself. It has been so hard for us to pick, you really didn't make our job easy by sending us so many stunning and creative designs. 

Here are some things to keep in mind. We will not be disclosing to any users/volunteers why someone did/didn't make it through. That includes questions like: "What did you think about my design?", "Do you have any critique on my design?", "Did I not continue because of the background check?" and "What did you find in my background check?". Questions like these will not be answered. The current designers will still not be commenting on your submissions either. The designers who helped us inspect the submissions have had no say in who has made it to the next round and that is solely our decision (Spigg and Rori). The background checks have already taken place and the results of those have been taken into consideration when deciding on who moves on to the next round.

We expect everyone to act respectfully. Keep in mind that all designs were made by real people. Be considerate when speaking of other's submissions.


Below you will find a list of the participants who will move on to the next round. The order of the names has no significance and does not reflect any sort of ranking. 
  • alomnia
  • Arimwe
  • Auxiliary
  • Blaa Fe
  • Dowien
  • goblinbazooka
  • haavsalt
  • karpalokissa
  • LinaSophie
  • Mocks
  • Priestley
  • punkt
  • Sas
  • St4rlet
  • Terzo
  • tinkerbel9
  • Tjili
  • Tuffsis
  • Veri
  • Wonderstruck



Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the first round. The JD comp will continue tomorrow with new instructions for round 2.


 4th March


 Competition starts

 17th March  23.59 CET  Deadline for 1st round
 18th March    Judges start judging
 24th March  18.00 CET  Result of 1st round
 25th March    Round 2 starts
 31st March  23.59 CET  Deadline for 2nd round
 1st April    Judges start Judging
 8th April  18.00 CET  Final Results


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