World Down Syndrome Day
21. March 2024 07:45

Mismatch your socks in real life and on goSupermodel today to raise awareness for the World Down Syndrome Day.

The theme for this years’ campaign is End The Stereotypes, as stereotypes are extremely hurtful as they lead to unfair treatment, discrimination and limited opportunities in life.


Come together

Imagine that you are denied quality education, good health care, and are not allowed to make important decisions about your own life. That should never be the case, not for you and the exact same goes for people with Down and other intellectual disabilities. That’s why on the yearly World Down Syndrome Day (March 21st), since 2012 observed by the United Nations, we come together in advocating for the rights, inclusion and the wellbeing of people with Down syndrome. 


Current hurtful stereotypes

Stereotypes are formed quite easily, getting rid of them is much harder. They are based on assumptions and overlook the strengths and capabilities on an individual level. Stereotypes like unable to be independent or socially awkward contribute to the ongoing stigma and discrimination against them. It is important to look beyond these generalizing stereotypes and focus on people’s individual potential.  


Mismatch your socks today

We want to ask everyone to mismatch their socks today. We got some mismatched socks ready to go in the form of a goCode to put on during the day, but we also want to kindly ask you to mismatch your favorite socks in real life to raise awareness for this important cause. You could also donate directly, as your donation will help improve the lives of people with Down syndrome all over the world. 


TL;DR - Summary

  • On this day we advocate for rights, inclusion and wellbeing of people with Down syndrome.

  • Stereotypes contribute to the ongoing stigma and discrimination. Stop the stereotypes and focus on people’s individual potential. 

  • Mismatch your socks today with the goCode, #LotsOfSocks, made by JD Maze, to show your support for this cause or donate directly here

By mismatching our socks both online and IRL or making a donation, you can make a meaningful difference.


Show your amazing mismatched sock looks in this topic



The goSupermodel team