gSm Insider W11
18. March 2024 20:30
gSm Insider W11

Happy Monday goSupermodels!


We've had a wonderful week with the Junior Designer competition's first Deadline coming to an end, many other competition's, Ramadan and more! Did you submit designs for the JD competition, or are you just excited to see what others have come up with?


Last Week's Happenings

  • We enabled login to be required to view the following sections of goSupermodel;

            → Main community page

            → Forums, threads and forum search

            → Profiles, including post history, goBlog, activities and images

  • We had a Ramadan shop update go live on Thursday, that will stay  permanently

  • Day Against Islamophobia on Friday

  • JD weekend by Maze 

  • First round of JD competition ended on Sunday at 23.59 with 77 entries.

What's on this Week?
  • There was a mix up with the monthly VIP gift item (Hair) and the correct item (cat) should have been sent to you.

  • Fairy Companions Competition is still open until 23rd of March

  • Good Deeds Competition is still open until 24th of March


We hope you have plenty of sunny days this week!


With love,