JD Competition info
3. March 2024 17:00

Junior Designer Competition info


Here we are again after close to a whole year, it is finally time for the next JD search! This year we have worked extra hard to make sure it runs smoother than last year. We will start by sharing our plans so that you know what to expect. Below here you will be able to see the planned schedule.



 4th March


 Competition starts

 17th March  23.59 CET  Deadline for 1st round
 18th March    Judges start judging
 24th March  18.00 CET  Result of 1st round
 25th March    Round 2 starts
 31st March  23.59 CET  Deadline for 2nd round
 1st April    Judges start Judging
 8th April  18.00 CET  Final Results








During the competitions, you will be able to ask questions about our Q&A topic. There you will be able to ask all questions that might be related to the competition such as: "Is this submission the right size?", "What is being a JD like?", "Is x allowed?" and other questions about the competition. What questions we won't be answering are questions like: "Is this entry good?", "Do you think this fits the theme?" or other questions about your submission that will need a subjective answer.
                > Q&A TOPIC CLICK HERE <