- The herbs of this world are classified as follows:
- 1) common
- 2) uncommon
- 3) rare
- 4) unique
- 5) legendary
- 6) archmythical
- You may mostly expect to find herbs ranging from classes 1-3, with an occasional 4. Legendary and archmythical are herbs that will be seen very rarely in the game. With archmythical class, perhaps a certain herb only flowering once during our characters entire lifetimes (of course, should they live almost a millenia, they may see it again).
- Common herbs are everyday herbs that are scattered around the world, as unremarkable as thyme or mint to us. Uncommon herbs require a knowing eye and education to find and spot. However, they are not difficult to find in a pinch. Rare and unique herbs are where the challenges start. They prefer very specific climate and conditions. They tend to disguise themselves as common and useless plants.
Legendary and archmythical plants are so rare not much is known for their requirements. However, they do tend to pop up in places where mana is particularly thick, like lairs of mythical beasts or dungeons.
- 1) Common Herbs:
- - Bloodweed. It grows in the bottom of Lake Peace. It can stop minor bleeding and nourish vampires in an emergency.
- - Dreamthorn. This spiky herb is found in the deepest, most tangled thickets of the forest. Its thorns are infused with a powerful sedative, and it is often used to treat insomnia and anxiety.
- - Snow Oat. A simple shrub with small white oats that grows in the icy tundra. The oats taste like frozen bugs but they give a bit of energy to the eater. Many students have survived to the Glacier Academy because of this.
- - Saltweed. Ugly grey grass that can be found almost anywhere in the shadows. Tastes salty but satisfies your thirst for a while... but eating something salty when you're already thirsty? Good luck with trying to get it down.
- - Bastit. A small succulent that, when crushed, tends to repel parasitic insects, including mosquitoes and the like. It has a pungent but not unpleasant odour. Can be found almost anywhere. Using it too much can cause a rash.
- 2) Uncommon Herbs:
- - Secondstart grows in Fauna park. Only Earth elementals may find it. It activates adrenaline and gives 5 minutes of +2 mana. Recommended for combat situations. Ingesting it too often may lead to unexpected side effects.
- - Corpsevine. A gray vine with thorns that likes to grow around trees that have been dead at least 5 years. It has a stingy and rotten smell, but despite the abominable looks and smell, it is very useful in making wounds heal really fast. When squeezed and twisted, the gray vine leaks bright green liquid, the healing part of it, which it creates from the dead cells of the tree, repurposing it. The older the tree, the bigger surficial wounds it can heal... but how can you squeeze and twist something that has thorns?
- - Firelily. A flower with petals that look like fire. Surprisingly likes to grow where it's cold, and instead of burning the handler, it heals burns when the petals are put on the burned skin.
- - Lypaprofen. Sometimes something happens right within the roots of Dreamthorn, and Lypaprofen starts to grow. Normally Dreamthorn's roots are light brown, but Lypaprofen roots growing from Dreamthorn are purple in colour and they are a good painkiller when chewed slowly. Some professionals can make medicine out of this and sell it in the form of pills.
- 3) Rare Herbs:
- - Mertongue. A carnivorous fern with teal coloured leaves that only grows at a lake if someone has shed their tears at that spot. When boiled and made into a sour tasting soup, you can forego your emotions, anxiety and stress for a few days. This soup doesn't heal trauma like Heartstone, only makes you numb for a while. Also used during wartimes when Heartstone started to run out.
- Moonbane. Silver, almost liquid looking plant that grows where werewolf blood has been spilled. When eaten, you turn into a beast that is much stronger and faster. Good in a fight...but only strong willed people can remember who are their friends and who are the enemies. Will you risk it?
- Ixobove. A small, light green plant with triangle shaped leaves. The concoction of this herb causes inability to focus and/or to think clearly. When this poison is ready, it is a thin paste colored pale green. It is a more effective poison when it is applied to a weapon that slashes the flesh.
- Parselola. A small green herb reminiscent of parsley. When consumed it tastes very bitter. It is often given to favored apprentices in the Glacier Academy Temple. Consuming it daily can build tolerance against herbs that would otherwise be too toxic to consume. If it is paired with one other mystery herb it may even give poison immunity. Apprentices are cautioned against trying combinations on their own as the wrong combination may be (and often is) deadly.
- Toothwyrm. This herb is grown in many temples as an offering to positive karma deities. It is pure white with square leaves and edges sharp as a knife. It smells faintly of milk. If it is burned, the smell turns sweeter and has mild hallucinogenic properties: it is often burned during prayer in order to get closer to the deities. If its soaked in milk overnight, whoever drinks it may regrow their teeth within hours. However, the amount of herb to soak remains a scientific mystery: the dosage is very specific. Should it be done by any less than an expert healer it will also regrow teeth that aren't missing, pushing healthy ones out.
- 4) Unique Herbs:
- - Heartstone. This rare and precious herb is found only in the most hidden valleys. It requires that absolutely no wind hits it during its 10 years of maturation. Its bright red heart-shaped leaves are infused with the power of love and emotion, and it is said to have the ability to heal emotional wounds and trauma. It brings back lost memoires and soothes the unsoothable. Popular during wartimes, this once rare herb has now become unique.
- - Shadowroot. This shadowy herb is found in the shadowy depths of the forest, where it feeds on the darkness. It can only be harvested by those with the light element. Should any other elemental attempt its harvest, they are rumored to lose their mind. It is said to have powerful protective properties, and it can cleanse all but the most powerful curses from those who ingest it.
- Iceflorania. This rare and exotic herb is found only in the coldest, most inhospitable parts of the icy tundra. The scent is sweet as candied pears and attracts several powerful monsters. Its petals are infused with years of accumulated ice energy, and it is said to have powerful purifying properties, making it useful in treatments for poison. It can cleanse all but the most powerful poison from those who ingest its flower.
- Mutatientia. A foul herb with purple buds that is sought after those who seek to look like someone else. Make a potion out of these purple buds and throw in something that belongs to the person you want to look like. After drinking the potion, your appearance will change and you will stay that way for 24 hours. Mutatientia only grows in dark forests where no one has walked in a long time.
- Caeculia. An invisible herb you can only track by using your mana. If you manage to find one and eat one, you will also turn invisible for 2 hours per a leaf eaten. One Caeculia usually has 1-3 leaves. No one knows where Caeculia can be found, only few have sensed them by luck when they have been in trouble. Perhaps the deities are behind this one?
- 5) Legendary Herbs:
- - Dragonfire. It is said to grow only in the presence of dragons, and it beyond difficult to find. Its red and gold leaves are infused with the power of the dragon's flame, and it is said to have the ability to enhance magical powers and grant immense strength and endurance. Ingesting it even once turns the persons very bones black and sharpenes the tips of their ears. Adds +20 physical skill.
- - Starsap. Sap from any tree that grows on a fallen star (or asteroid). These trees are extremely rare, as not many things have fallen from the sky... but if you come across a tree like this, with sap that shines bright like the stars in the night sky, you have found a treasure. Starsap when ingested adds +20 to your mana skill, and every time from now on when you use your mana, your eyes shine like the stars.
- 6) Archmythical Herbs:
- - Phenicanae. This rare herb is found only in the ashes of burned forests, where it is said to be born from the ashes of those who died before their time. Its delicate feather-like leaves are infused with the power of rebirth, and it is said to have powerful healing properties. Those who ingest it can heal from any wound, as long as their heart has not stopped completely beating. This herb will bring back any lost limbs. It will also randomly reassign the element of the person ingesting it, adding +5 to previous stats. It is worth noting that Phenicanae does not heal emotional trauma and is an agonizing experience. It is recommended to be ingested with the unique herb Heartstone.
- Goldenroot. A bitter, small brown root found in the deepest and most dangerous dungeons. It is said to be the compressed mind of archwizards of old. It drives monsters around it to insanity. The smell is vile, like rotting corpses, but once bitten it tastes like fresh ginger. Ingesting it grants the eater a glimpse of the universe itself, wisdom beyond wisdoms. +100 to all stats.
- Emerald Dill Seed. This unique seed grants those who ingest it a second element. This will work in addition to the one they were born with. The second element will be imperfect and devious to master. It's strength will always be 50% of the main mana skill.
- Idunbell. A small golden berry in the shape of a bell apple, that has the sweetest and juiciest taste of all berries. This berry is a legend, and almost no one has seen one. It is said the berry is the oldest of them all, created right after the world was, and the gods gave these to their created beings to make them live longer lives. No one knows where these grow, but the legend says where the Tree of Life pours down, you can find one in the roots. +500 years to live