Past Lists

A list of previous lists:
(To use for inspiration)

People with horsegirl vibes

People who gives big sister vibes



Pineapple on pizza

Models that look like theyd be vegan/vegetarian


Models who look like they'd be good in trivia(l pursuit)

A list that you get on if you ask nicely

People who seem like they use light mode on the electronics

People who deserve to be on the list

The superwholock rp list

People that look like the dolls I played with as a kid

People that would win me in a fight

People I'd play with at the playground as a kindergartener

List of people that look like yummy candy

The milkshake list

People I've met irl

People who need to make their own lists

People I'd wanna go to a picnic with but would be too scared to ask