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List Rules


The idea is:

Ronnie has a criteria in mind
If you leave a comment, and Ronnie thinks you fit that criteria, your name gets put on the list
The same criteria applies to everyone on the list

The criteria is never anything about your model (gomoney, appearance, goblogs, etc.)
It’s all just based on vibes, and the criteria is usually something really absurd and specific

Some examples of past lists have been:
- People who look like they’re vegan/vegetarian
- Models who look like they’d be good in Trivia (e.g. Trivial Pursuit)
- A list you get on if you ask nicely

You can find more examples by taking a look at the past lists club page

Ronnie will answer your questions with things like “yes / no / maybe / kinda / not at all / close”.
If a comment doesn't get an answer, it does not contribute enough to finding the criteria

Every 10 pages you get a hint!

If you’re the one to guess the list correctly, you get rewarded*!!!


*With something like a few supergreetings or so (sry we are poor)