How To?
Your post should include an issue you're experiencing in real life or online. The point of posting it here is to clear up confusion for yourself or other parts in this given scenario. Keep the words "Am I Wrong?" in your head, as long as you can finish your scenario with those words, you've come the right place!
This isn't for general advice for future situations or the alike, it's a safe space to get honest judgements/opinions on whether you were wrong or you're gonna be wrong for doing/saying certain things.
There's no limits or minimums on how long your text can be, you can keep it short and sweet or write an entire essay, it's up to you! You can post from an alt, from your main account or DM me or Lolsauce2007 your situation/scenario and we will post it anonymously for you.
NW - Not Wrong
YW - Yes Wrong
EW - Everyone Wrong
NW - No one Wrong
Whether you want the post to go public or keep it within the member's section of the forum is up to you!