✣ The Plot


Chevalier - a beautiful world bursting with magic. With landscapes like fine paintings, people diverse yet united and most importantly, everything at peace.


While people still trade with coins and electricity is scarce, everyone is content living in an era of invention, serenity and plentifulness. In Chevalier, magic comes from everything around you, including people. It's not rare to see all kinds of creatures roaming the earth. Some people might have horns, tails, even scales or might look far alike from a human. Demon, orc, dwarf, elf...whatever you were called, you would find a place for yourself in Chevalier.


The tranquility of Chevalier, however, was one day broken. On a perfectly normal day in the middle of a bustling city, the ground began to shake. It bent, broke and tossed and turned around, until a massive tip of a tower's rooftop rose to the surface. Slowly but surely the tip grew and grew, turning itself into a full, castle-like tower built of metal and stone. The tower reeked of magic, like someone had just conjured it up from the ground. But that kind of spell is potent and strong - not even a great wizard could do something alone and so out of the blue.


Those that decided to explore said tower told others about things that were never even heard of before. Mysterious little colorful creatures, poisonous moving plants and all kinds of traps and moving barricades made the tower dangerous to dwell in. The tower itself felt like a living being and it had many, deep levels to explore. A few days after the tower had emerged, something awoke from deep below. Monsters started appearing, leaving bloodshed and chaos behind. They were like mindless wild animals, only seeking to conquer and slay.
And so, people took arms, drove the monsters back and held up defense against the tower. The monsters came in waves at irregular times so the area around the tower had to be cleared and people had to guard it. This way, the people called Guardians were born.


Not long after the first tower had appeared, more spawned across Chevalier. Guardians were needed more than ever, so all kinds of people were willing to defend their homes against the hordes. If you could wield a sword, bow or even magic, you could be a Guardian.
With time, everything settled to a peaceful rhythm once more. Monsters were dealt with, weapons became more common and even the king of Chevalier himself took it upon himself to fund and support courageous Guardians. It was now officially a job to be one.

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A few decades pass without further incidents. The old king has died, leaving his boisterous son to take care of Chevalier. As for the towers, not much has changed. The monsters take all kinds of different shapes but do not often get far from their home before being shot down. People have adapted to the towers and the challenges that they bring and everything is as normal as it gets for now.


Shortly after the new king of Chevalier got crowned, rumors of a new tower appeared. Rumors turned into news and soon everyone in Chevalier knew of the new, never-before-seen tower. The tower of towers, some say, as it turns out that this particular one is massive even compared to the other ones. Its' roof can be seen from miles away, its glass-like structure glimmering from the sun to form almost like a beacon.


As Guardians prepare their defense against the tower, nothing seems to come out for days. Days turn into weeks and it feels like this particular tower refuses to spit out anything. Curious as they were, a few Guardians look inside the first level of the tower. No signs of life, yet magic pulses everywhere as it does in the other towers.


This abnormal tower has got the new king curious. As people are too hesitant to dwell deeper into the tower, he makes a claim for the whole kingdom:

"Explore the freshly appeared tower and I will grant you riches beyond your imagination!"


This is the part where you, my dear reader, will come in. Whatever you are, Guardian, scholar, explorer, you've decided to take up to the offer. Were you intrigued by the tower itself? Or are you perhaps after money and fame? Whatever your motivation, you find yourself in Ballisto, the little town the ominous "tower of towers" decided to appear in. Who knows what you'll find from the tower itself. Could a trapdoor or perhaps strangling roots end your journey right there and then? And what about the monsters? Were they just hiding in plain sight? Was the whole tower just a trap?


You'll just have to find it all out, eventually.


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